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Win a free copy of my book, Skylar Robbins: The Mystery of Shadow Hills on sweeps4bloggers.com. Contest ends next week; click here to enter now.
Here’s what a mom said last week on Amazon, after reading Shadow Hills to her five children: 5.0 out of 5 stars. A Book that assists in lessons, communication, and building memories for our family! November 25, 2013
Just finished reading Skylar Robbins: The Mystery of Shadow Hills to my 5 children, by Carrie Cross. I love that there was inspiration to do activities with the family. We took the time to make amulets – or necklaces from rocks we searched for. We are planning some fun art projects too. I also love that the book took a turn into a positive lesson that I would want to teach my kids anyway. We were able to stop after reading the book and discuss what we learned about friendship and deciphering what a true friend is or is not. My children learned something about following fads as well. All wonderful lessons that I as a mother often wonder how I will be able to reach my children and teach in a way that they would “get”. This way we were able to do it together as a family all while building our own communications skills.
This book is rated 5 stars by me and the kids 🙂 Thank you Carrie! We are looking forward to reading your future adventures!!!